From Crooks And Liars:
Bill Maher Smacks Around Some NeoCons
This is Bill Maher at his best. He deftly boils down the Neo-Con lies, mistakes, and false predictions of the last several years into one witty and biting commentary. He says it all, eveything many have been saying all a long about how wrong the Neo-Cons are, but he says it more succintly. I highly recommend this for your education and/or entertainment.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
The War of the Words
I realize that this website and its videos are supposed to be funny and sardonic, but frankly, by being reminded of all this stupidity from right-wing bloggers, pundits, and columnists, I find it all very immensely depressing and infuriating.
Having said that, I highly recommend that everyone visit The War of the Words because we all need to be reminded now and then of the kind of rhetoric and propaganda that led to one of the most horrible mistakes in U.S. history, the Iraq war, so that we do not allow our country to be misled into committing such evil again.
Having said that, I highly recommend that everyone visit The War of the Words because we all need to be reminded now and then of the kind of rhetoric and propaganda that led to one of the most horrible mistakes in U.S. history, the Iraq war, so that we do not allow our country to be misled into committing such evil again.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
The Pro-Death Religious Right
On June 8th, 2006, the US Food and Drug Administration approved an HPV vaccine called Gardasil. This vaccine can be used to prevent sexually transmitted HPV which can cause cervical cancer, genital warts, and other health problems.
These Pro-Death Religious Right conservatives initially opposed FDA approval of Gardasil. They would have rather had women die from cervical cancer than be vaccinated against HPV. Why? Because they have this insane idea that if you vaccinate a girl against one of many STDs in the world, she will become sexually promiscuous. They do not seem to realize that there are still plenty of other STDs to worry about or that there are many other emotional and psychological reasons for why people choose not to be promiscuous.
Fortunately, the FDA ignored that crazy ideology and approved Gardasil. Despite this, these crazy Religious Right conservatives continue to fight having their own daughters vaccinated. That's right. They don't want the vaccine to be mandatory so that they can choose to keep their daughters vulnerable to HPV in case their daughters decide that abstinence is not for them. These people are disgusting. They would rather their daughters die from cervical cancer than be vaccinated for HPV.
Today, I heard about this:
AIDS vaccine heads to clinical trials
Don't. Don't try to stop medical advances. Don't try to stop vaccines. Don't try to stop stem-cell research. Leave the rest of us alone. If you want to refuse a vaccine or stem-cell treatment for yourself for whatever crazy reason you can think up, fine. However, if you choose to prevent any life-saving medical treatment for your children, then I consider that a form of child abuse or, at least, child negligence.
Don't force your religious beliefs onto me, my health, or the health of my friends and family.
Worldwide, cervical cancer is the second most common cancer in women (after breast cancer) and is the third leading killer (behind breast and lung cancer). It affects about 16 per 100,000 women per year and causes death in about 9 per 100,000 per year.Before the FDA approved the Gardasil (another HPV vaccine, Cervarix, is still going through the approval process), some crazy Religious Right conservatives expressed concerns about HPV vaccines. Now what kind of person would be against a vaccine that prevents cancer? A Pro-Death Religious Right conservative.
These Pro-Death Religious Right conservatives initially opposed FDA approval of Gardasil. They would have rather had women die from cervical cancer than be vaccinated against HPV. Why? Because they have this insane idea that if you vaccinate a girl against one of many STDs in the world, she will become sexually promiscuous. They do not seem to realize that there are still plenty of other STDs to worry about or that there are many other emotional and psychological reasons for why people choose not to be promiscuous.
Fortunately, the FDA ignored that crazy ideology and approved Gardasil. Despite this, these crazy Religious Right conservatives continue to fight having their own daughters vaccinated. That's right. They don't want the vaccine to be mandatory so that they can choose to keep their daughters vulnerable to HPV in case their daughters decide that abstinence is not for them. These people are disgusting. They would rather their daughters die from cervical cancer than be vaccinated for HPV.
Today, I heard about this:
AIDS vaccine heads to clinical trials
"We expect FDA approval within a year," he said, adding that Curocom is also committed to another $35 million for the final phase of three rounds of testing that will follow an initial series of toxicology tests on animals to show that the vaccine has no harmful effects.There is a lot of research going into potential HIV vaccines, and we don't know whether this one or any other will be successful in ending HIV and AIDS. However, let me say this to any religious nutcase who might try to oppose a preventative or therapeutic HIV vaccine:
"We expect that the initial tests will clear the way for this vaccine to be used therapeutically within three years to treat patients suffering from low-level HIV infection," Kang said.
It will not be a cure for those suffering from full-blown AIDS, he said.
Kang said he expected the full set of clinical trials, to be completed in six or seven years, will clear the vaccine for widespread use as a HIV/AIDS preventative.
"We hope it will give total immunity," he said from London.
Don't. Don't try to stop medical advances. Don't try to stop vaccines. Don't try to stop stem-cell research. Leave the rest of us alone. If you want to refuse a vaccine or stem-cell treatment for yourself for whatever crazy reason you can think up, fine. However, if you choose to prevent any life-saving medical treatment for your children, then I consider that a form of child abuse or, at least, child negligence.
Don't force your religious beliefs onto me, my health, or the health of my friends and family.
Kenneth Lay Conviction Erased
Apparently, if you die before sentencing or appeal, your conviction never happened. Now, I don't consider myself a conspiracy theorist, but I find the timing of Ken Lay's death to be suspicious given this recent news.
ENRON: Judge erases jury's verdict against Lay
ENRON: Judge erases jury's verdict against Lay
The ruling thwarts the government's bid to seek $43.5 million in ill-gotten gains prosecutors allege he pocketed by participating in Enron's fraud. The government could still pursue those gains in civil court, but they would have to compete with other litigants, if any, also pursuing Lay's estate.JUDGE VOIDS CONVICTIONS AGAINST LAY
The Department of Justice had argued against vacating the conviction, saying it would unjustly enrich Lay's estate by preventing criminal forfeiture proceedings to recover restitution for victims of Enron's downfall.
The government even proposed a law that would prevent courts from vacating criminal convictions in such circumstances. That effort didn't succeed.
This Should Not Happen
If we had universal healthcare coverage in this country (like every other industrialized nation), perhaps we would not have problems like this:
Mother convicted of abuse in daughter's botched piercing
Again, I am not sure why this mother did take her daughter do a hospital sooner, and I am sure that sane parents would have done so much sooner regardless of their financial status. However, I am sure there are many less serious situations where parents do have to worry about financial concerns when their child is sick.
No parent should have worry about money when their child's health is at stake. That is why we need to demand universal healthcare coverage for all Americans from our government. Now.
Mother convicted of abuse in daughter's botched piercing
BOSTON --A mother whose teenage daughter nearly died from an infection caused by a bellybutton piercing was convicted Tuesday of endangering her daughter's life by failing to seek medical attention until she was gravely ill.I am not, by any means, defending the mother in this story, and I am not saying that having a national healthcare system would have definitely prevented this. It seems this mother was incredibly irresponsible, and I do not know whether poverty and/or lack of health insurance was a factor in the monstrous negligence of her daughter. If it they were a factor, then this possibly could have been prevented by a national healthcare system.
Again, I am not sure why this mother did take her daughter do a hospital sooner, and I am sure that sane parents would have done so much sooner regardless of their financial status. However, I am sure there are many less serious situations where parents do have to worry about financial concerns when their child is sick.
No parent should have worry about money when their child's health is at stake. That is why we need to demand universal healthcare coverage for all Americans from our government. Now.
Culture Of Corruption
As if the Mark Foley scandal wasn't bad enough, there is more bad news for the corrupt Republicans in Congress. Apparently, Foley wasn't the only Republican member of Congress who raised "red flags" that were ignored by the majority party.
Bribery scandal's scope highlighted
Bribery scandal's scope highlighted
The investigation found no evidence of criminal activity by other lawmakers or committee aides, according to the report. It describes a permissive environment in which staffers ignored or failed to act on "red flags" surrounding Cunningham's unusual funding requests.The fact that Randy "Duke" Cunningham was corrupt is by no means new news. (He plead guilty to bribery charges last year.) This is merely more evidence of how Republican corruption is ignored or overlooked by the Republican leaders in Congress.
According to the investigation, Cunningham repeatedly pressured aides to insert special funding provisions, known as "earmarks," designed to enrich business officials who were paying the lawmaker millions of dollars in bribes.
Over a five-year period, the report said, Cunningham inserted language into spending bills adopted by the intelligence panel that provided "approximately $70 [million]-$80 million in funding" for those companies. The committee oversees about $40 billion in spending on U.S. spy agencies. Most of the earmarks went to companies run by businessman Brent Wilkes of California and his former associate, Mitchell Wade, in Washington. Wilkes remains under investigation, and Wade pleaded guilty in February to charges.
The Day The Constitution Died
Bye-bye, Miss American Constitution.
Yesterday, Bush signed the Military Comissions Act of 2006, a bill to make torture legal in our country, destroy the right to habeas corpus, and invalidate major portions of our Bill of Rights.
I find it depressingly ironic that Bush uses arguments like "they hate us for our freedom" to support his flawed and failed plans for fighting terrorism and then does everything in his power to give the terrorists what they want by working with the corrupt, "rubber stamp" Republicans in Congress to take away our freedom.
Not since the Reichstag fire led to the Enabling Act has there been such a regression in freedom and democracy.
We have seen this before in life (see previous paragraph) and art (see subsequent paragragph). Those who do not learn from the mistakes in history are doomed to repeat them.
In art we have seen this:
Bush has been killing liberty in our country since 9/11, and because Bush shamelessly uses 9/11 as an excuse, there are people who are applauding him when they should be impeaching him.
The people who voted for this disgraceful president allowed this to happen. By voting for Bush and the Republicans, they enabled the destruction of some of the most important tenets of our democracy (such as prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment and the writ of habeas corpus).
I hope and pray that the Supreme Court, now our constitution's and our country's last chance to stop this horrific legislation, will do the right thing and declare this act unconstitutional.
I fear greatly for all of us if they do not.
New US terrorism law criticised as "stain" on history
Yesterday, Bush signed the Military Comissions Act of 2006, a bill to make torture legal in our country, destroy the right to habeas corpus, and invalidate major portions of our Bill of Rights.
I find it depressingly ironic that Bush uses arguments like "they hate us for our freedom" to support his flawed and failed plans for fighting terrorism and then does everything in his power to give the terrorists what they want by working with the corrupt, "rubber stamp" Republicans in Congress to take away our freedom.
Not since the Reichstag fire led to the Enabling Act has there been such a regression in freedom and democracy.
We have seen this before in life (see previous paragraph) and art (see subsequent paragragph). Those who do not learn from the mistakes in history are doomed to repeat them.
In art we have seen this:
Padmé watches with increasing suspicion as Chancellor Palpatine becomes a dictator, using the Clone Wars to amass emergency powers and gain control over the Senate and judiciary. Padmé later witnesses Palpatine transform the Republic into the Galactic Empire and proclaiming himself Emperor. As the Senate cheers for Palpatine, she comments to Senetor Organa, "So this is how liberty dies: with thunderous applause."
Bush has been killing liberty in our country since 9/11, and because Bush shamelessly uses 9/11 as an excuse, there are people who are applauding him when they should be impeaching him.
The people who voted for this disgraceful president allowed this to happen. By voting for Bush and the Republicans, they enabled the destruction of some of the most important tenets of our democracy (such as prohibiting cruel and unusual punishment and the writ of habeas corpus).
I hope and pray that the Supreme Court, now our constitution's and our country's last chance to stop this horrific legislation, will do the right thing and declare this act unconstitutional.
I fear greatly for all of us if they do not.
New US terrorism law criticised as "stain" on history
President Bush has called it vital for his war on terrorism; however, one opposition Democrat Senator said his country would look back on the day as a "stain" on the nation's history...Battles brewing on torture, detainees
E. Vincent Warren at the Centre for Constitutional Rights says his organisation will launch a legal challenge. "This bill puts in the president's power, solely, the ability to determine who is and who is not an enemy combatant, even US citizens," said Warren. "This bill also allows for non-citizens to be detained indefinitely, pulled up wherever they appear - whether they are on the battlefield or not."
Critics of the law also claim suspects will not be able to challenge their detention or treatment in court, and authorities will be able to try people based on secret evidence.
But as Bush and a group of key Republican senators hailed the compromise that led to the passage of the new rules last month, the American Civil Liberties Union called it ``one of the worst civil liberties measures ever enacted in American history." Groups of defense lawyers vowed to fight the new law in court, calling it ``blatantly unconstitutional" because it denies detainees the right to challenge their detention in court.
How Many More Have To Die?
I was born after the Vietnam War, but I imagine that, at the time, this sentiment was the same:
How many more have to die? How many more have to die before everyone realizes the war in Iraq was a mistake? How many more have to die before our president will admit he was wrong? How many more have to die before this war becomes such a disgrace to our honor that every politician will stand up and say "no more"?
I was against this war from the beginning. I did not fall for the lies of the Bush administration. I watched as, slowly, more and more people switched sides from being for the war to being against it, and now, those who are against the war are in a strong majority in this country.
Despite this, we do not have a majortiy of elected officials who are against the war and do not believe the lies of the Bush administration. This needs to change. This November is your chance. Do not let it pass you by.
10 American Soldiers Killed in Iraq
How many more have to die? How many more have to die before everyone realizes the war in Iraq was a mistake? How many more have to die before our president will admit he was wrong? How many more have to die before this war becomes such a disgrace to our honor that every politician will stand up and say "no more"?
I was against this war from the beginning. I did not fall for the lies of the Bush administration. I watched as, slowly, more and more people switched sides from being for the war to being against it, and now, those who are against the war are in a strong majority in this country.
Despite this, we do not have a majortiy of elected officials who are against the war and do not believe the lies of the Bush administration. This needs to change. This November is your chance. Do not let it pass you by.
10 American Soldiers Killed in Iraq
By JOHN O’NEIL. Ten American soldiers were killed on Tuesday, the military announced today, bringing October’s death toll for United States forces to 68.Kidnapping of 13 Carloads of Shiites Fuels Iraq's Sectarian...
By Borzou Daragahi, Times Staff Writer. Gunmen wearing Iraqi police uniforms kidnapped 13 carloads of Shiite Muslims today from the...Bombings and shootings kill at least 33 in Iraq
Gunmen in both police and civilian vehicles gunned down victims including four students outside the city’s university and a well-known doctor who was leaving her house, said a Basra police captain.US joins Iraqis in city where 91 died
In Karmah, west of Baghdad, a roadside bomb killed five Iraqi soldiers, police Lt Ahmed Ali said. Gunmen stormed into the house of a Shiite family in Balad Ruz, 45 miles north-east of Baghdad, killing the mother and four adult sons and injuring the father, provincial police official Khalil Yacoub said.
BAGHDAD, Iraq — U.S. forces were back patrolling the streets of the predominantly Shiite city of Balad on Tuesday after five days of sectarian slaughter killed 95 people, violence that surged out of control despite the efforts of Iraq's best-trained soldiers.
Iraq's 4th Army took command of the region north of Baghdad a month ago, but had been unable to stem recent attacks in Balad, where the slayings of 17 Shiite Muslim workers on Friday set off revenge killings by Shiites.
It's Not Funny 'Cause It's True
Again and again, the decision to go war in Iraq proves to be a terrible mistake. From the resurgence of the Taliban to North Korea gaining nuclear weapons, Bush shows his incompetence. As if Iraq wasn't already a huge mess, Afghanistan is quickly becoming one as well.
Iraq war cost years of progress in Afghanistan
Iraq war cost years of progress in Afghanistan
The invasion of Iraq prevented British forces from helping to secure Afghanistan much sooner and has left a dangerous vacuum in the country for four years, the commander who has led the attack against the Taliban made clear on Tuesday.NATO general: Coalition erred in Afghanistan
WASHINGTON - The US-led coalition in Afghanistan failed to follow through as it should have after ousting the government in 2001, said the NATO commander in...Iraq war 'stalled' Afghan mission
BRITAIN could have carried out its current stability mission in Afghanistan as long as four years ago if it had not been for the war in Iraq, a senior military commander said yesterday.
Brigadier Ed Butler, who recently handed over the command of British forces in Afghanistan, said that the concentration on Iraq had left Britain to "mark time" in Afghanistan since 2002.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Republican Party: Pro-Torture And Now Pro-Pedophile
The Republicans in Congress have been protecting a pedophile in their midst for almost a year.
GOP informed of Foley's e-mails
House speaker told months ago, says congressman; both parties want investigation
GOP informed of Foley's e-mails
House speaker told months ago, says congressman; both parties want investigation
(10-01) 04:00 PDT Washington -- Top House Republicans knew for months about e-mail traffic between Rep. Mark Foley and a former teenage page, but kept the matter secret and allowed Foley, R-Fla., to remain head of a congressional caucus on children's issues, Republican lawmakers said Saturday.GOP leaders knew of Foley e-mail in '05
WASHINGTON — GOP leaders admit their offices have known for months that a Florida Republican congressman was sending inappropriate e-mails to a boy who had worked as a page in the House of Representatives.Speaker was told about Foley e-mails, GOP member says
The office of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, who earlier said he'd learned about the e-mails only last week, acknowledged that aides referred the matter to the authorities last fall. They said they were only told the messages were "over-friendly."
Rep. Thomas Reynolds, who heads the House Republican election effort, said Saturday he told Hastert months ago about concerns that a fellow Republican lawmaker, Rep. Mark Foley, had sent inappropriate messages to a teenage boy.
WASHINGTON -- House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, Republican of Illinois, was notified early this year of inappropriate e-mails from Representative Mark Foley, Republican of Florida, to a 16-year-old male page, a top GOP House member said yesterday.
The member, Representative Thomas Reynolds of New York, contradicted the speaker's assertions that he learned of concerns about Foley only last week.
Hastert did not dispute the statement by Reynolds, and the speaker's office said some of Hastert's top aides knew last year that Foley had been ordered to cease contact with the youth and to treat all pages respectfully.
Reynolds, chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee, became the second senior House Republican to say that Hastert has known of Foley's contacts for months, prompting Democratic attacks about the GOP leadership's inaction. Foley, 52, abruptly resigned his seat Friday after the e-mails became public.
House majority leader John Boehner, Republican of Ohio, said Friday that he learned in late spring of inappropriate e-mails that Foley sent to the Louisiana youth, and that he promptly told Hastert, who appeared to already know of the concerns. Hours later, Boehner said he could not be sure he had spoken with Hastert.
Abramoff tied to White House, Corruption Everywhere, American Public Doesn't Seem To Care
What does it take to get people to wake up to the fact that the White House and the Republican-controlled Congress are corrupt?
Democrats press White House on Abramoff contacts
Democrats press White House on Abramoff contacts
"For months, White House officials have refused to be straight with the American people about Jack Abramoff," said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California.Abramoff, Associates Claimed 485 White House Lobbying Contacts
"Now we know the truth: a disgraced lobbyist traded perks and campaign contributions for special access to the Bush White House," she said.
A report by a House of Representatives panel found Abramoff and his lobbying team had about 485 contacts with the White House, including 10 with Karl Rove, who is Bush's top political adviser.
Sept. 29 (Bloomberg) -- Lobbyist Jack Abramoff claimed in billing records that he and his associates had at least 485 contacts with White House officials during the Bush administration's first term, according to a report by a U.S. House panel.
Abramoff, 47, claimed he personally had at least 66 contacts with White House officials, including at least 10 with White House chief political adviser Karl Rove, according to the yet-to- be-released report by the House Committee on Government Reform. Bloomberg News obtained a copy of the study, which was first reported last night by ABC News.
``Abramoff was selling information and entrée that shouldn't need to be bought while making his clients pay inflated fees for access and influence which shouldn't be for sale,'' wrote committee chairman Tom Davis, a Virginia Republican, and ranking Democrat Henry Waxman of California.
Republican Wants To Sterilize People
Republican Wants to Sterilize Parents with ‘Bad’ Children
“What we’ve got is a failure in society, whether it’s in Mount Pleasant with yuppie parents or whether it’s on the East Side with poor crackhead parents,” Shirley said Friday. “We pick up stray animals and spay them. These mothers need to be spayed if they can’t take care of theirs. … Once they have a child and it’s running the streets, to let them continue to have children is totally unacceptable.” Deadbeat dads might ought to be sterilized as well, he said.Politician Says to 'Spay' Moms of Criminal Kids
A Charleston City Council member, reacting to a video store holdup believed to have been carried out by children, said parents who couldn't properly care for their kids should be sterilized.
"We pick up stray animals and spay them," Larry Shirley said in a story in the Post and Courier newspaper. "These mothers need to be spayed if they can't take care of theirs."
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