Gitmo detainees denied: Appeals court rules they don't have rights to American courts
WASHINGTON -- In a victory for the White House, a U.S. appeals court ruled Tuesday that the hundreds of prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay do not have a right to plead their innocence in an American court.
The decision sets the stage for a Supreme Court showdown over whether the White House and Congress can deny habeas corpus--the right to go before a judge and ask to be released--to some persons who are held for years without charges.
Late last year, the Republican-controlled Congress passed the Military Commissions Act, which made clear that "enemy combatants" held outside the United States may not file claims in U.S. courts. Tuesday's ruling upheld that law.
Lawyers for the detainees condemned the ruling and said they will take their case to the Supreme Court.
Today, we fight back and defend human rights.
Sen. Chris Dodd has set up a website: Restore-Habeas.Org. Go there and support the Restoring the Constitution Act of 2007.
Help Repeal Bush's Mock Trials Law
Did you know that last year President Bush signed a law that dishonors our obligations under the Geneva Conventions and allows unreliable statements gained by torture or coercion to be used as evidence against defendants. This is just one more nail in America's international reputation, that has already suffered terribly because of the Bush war of choice against Iraq. The international good will toward America that existed after the al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001 has been squandered by the Bush Administration.
Chris Dodd is seeking to restore America's moral authority and rebuild international respect for our country. Earlier this month Chris Dodd introduced a bill that would stop President Bush's troop escalation in Iraq, and now he has introduced legislation that overturns the sham trials and admissibility of tainted evidence made possible by the Military Commissions Act. Read the legislation:
Sen. Dodd is asking for citizen co-sponsors of the bill, so please visit the link below and sign on!
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