Monday, April 16, 2007

In The Mix

I saw some interesting posts today that I did want to mention briefly.

From DailyKos:

Here's the Friday News Dump -- Abstinence Only FAILS
by pontificator

Fri Apr 13, 2007 at 01:40:15 PM PDT

So, the Bush administration releases, late on a Friday, a government report showing that abstinence-only education programs have utterly failed to stop teens from having unprotected sex, or indeed from having sex at all
The Mahablog (via eviscerates Fred Thompson's use of Pres. Calvin Coolidge's tax cuts to support the baseless, conservative lie that tax cuts grow the economy:

Shameless Hustles and Tax Cuts
One of the triumphs of the Coolidge Administration was the passage of his tax program in 1926; the photograph shows him signing it. The Coolidge program “repealed the gift tax, halved estate taxes, substantially cut surtaxes on great wealth, and reduced income taxes for all,” it says here. The photo is dated February 26, 1926. Assuming that is accurate, We Now Know that the Stock Market Crash of 1929 was only slightly over three years and seven months away. The Great Depression followed soon after.

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