Clinton Calls for Universal Health Care
By BETH FOUHY – 12 hours agoHere's where the corruption comes into play and why we need publicly financed elections to take greedy corporations our of our government. The greedy health care companies want more money. They give some money to Romney, Schwarzenegger, and Clinton. Then Romney, Schwarzenegger, and Clinton push for legislation that forces everyone to buy health insurance from the greedy health care companies. The greedy health care companies get more money. See how easy that is?
DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton called for universal health care on Monday, plunging back into the bruising political battle she famously waged and lost as first lady on an issue that looms large in the 2008 presidential race.
[...]The New York senator said her plan would require every American to purchase insurance, either through their jobs or through a program modeled on Medicare or the federal employee health plan. Businesses would be required to offer insurance or contribute to a pool that would expand coverage. Individuals and small businesses would be offered tax credits to make insurance more affordable.
Unfortunately, this is the way our government usually works in almost all areas of politics. The corporations pay for the legislation that benefits them, and the American taxpayer gets screwed.
That's why Republicans love this plan. They'll do anything to please their corporate masters.
And most of the Democratic presidential candidates are rushing to get in line to screw us with this awful health care plan. Didn't any of them watch SiCKO?
Yes, the American health care system is awful and broken, but that does not mean we should replace it with something just as awful and broken. It will remain awful and broken as long as private, for-profit health insurance companies are part of the system.
We need socialized medicine. Period.
Just like we need socialized public schools. Or socialized public roads. Or socialized police and fire departments. Or a socialized military.
We need socialized medicine like Germany. Like France. Like the United Kingdom. Like Canada. Like Japan. Like Australia. If it works for them, it will work for us, but our current system does not work.
It is evil to have health care be a for-profit industry. Health care should be a for-health industry, and greedy, private corporations should have no part in it.
And all Americans (and especially Democrats) should only support a presidential candidate who supports that concept.
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