Yesterday, the Senate voted to de-criminalize the crimes of the White House and the telecommunication companies.
Yesterday, I lost all the hope that I gained after the Democrats won the House and Senate in 2006.
Yesterday, I lost faith in my country... again.
Yesterday, most people didn't even know about what the Senate did.
Yesterday, the Sensational Media was too busy to inform the public about this attack on our rights and the rule of law.
Yesterday, I sent the following message to Sen. Reid and many other Senators:
If telecom immunity passes, our Constitution will be effectively dead, and its blood will be on your hands.Yesterday, I wondered why I bother to contact members of Congress.
Have you no shame? No decency? No respect for the rule of law? No respect for your oath to defend the Constitution?
We are lost. The Democrats are lost. They won't stand up for our rights and Bush and the Republicans our trying to take them away.
What hope is left for us? Where do we go now for leadership? Where do we go to restore our country to its former glory?
Yesterday, I started to question why I try to change things.
Yesterday, my hope for impeachment hearings faltered.
Then yesterday, I realized that the fight isn't over.
Then yesterday, I realized that we have to work to get the House to deny amnesty for the telecoms (and, by default, Bush).
Then yesterday, I watched Australia apologize to the Stolen Generation, and I realized that we can't give up no matter how long it takes.
Then yesterday, Donna Edwards defeated Al Wynn, and I realized that we can defeat politicians who choose corporations over the people.
Then yesterday, I saw votes for Democratic candidates outnumber votes for Republican candidates by huge margins, and I realized that we can succeed.
Then yesterday, I began to hope again.
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