Friday, February 09, 2007

Help BlogPAC Fight Back

Despite the fact that last year's elections are over and the 2008 elections are relatively far away, the right-wing noise machine is not resting, and we cannot rest either. Already their smear tactics have begun all three Democratic presidential front-runners (Clinton, Obama, and Edwards). It will be easier if we fight back now before their current trivial and little-known attacks grow into future candidate-crushing narratives known by the entire public. That is what happened with the swiftboat attacks on Kerry, and we cannot let that happen again.

This time the attack is on Edwards, and regardless of who you support in the primary, we need to defend all our primary candidates against smear campaigns and lies. (It will be good practice for the general election.) BlogPAC is organizing the defense on this one:

Fight back against media hypocrisy - Defend our fellow bloggers!
Over the past week, right-wing media sources have made two progressive bloggers who were recently hired by the John Edwards campaign, Amanda Marcotte of Pandagon and Melissa McEwan of Shakespeare’s Sister, targets for character assassination. Establishment media outlets, including ABC News, CNN, the Associated Press, and the New York Times, have uncritically "reported" these attacks.

The media coverage of this story been riddled with blatant double standards that favors conservatives over progressives. It is bitterly ironic that established news outlets are failing to provide context, do proper research, and uphold basic standards of journalism on a story about bloggers.

Tell these outlets that they need to stop being little more than stenographers for right-wing swiftboat attacks.

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