Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Bush's Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

If there was an Olympic gold medal for hypocrisy, Bush would win it by an exponential lead:

Bush Threatens To Veto Bill To Allow More Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Washington, D.C. (AHN)- President Bush plans to veto legislation that would have relaxed the ban on federally funded stem cell research.

[...]President Bush has criticized the Democrat-led Congress of recycling a measure he already vetoed, which passed in a Republican-controlled Congress. He said that the bill would mean that taxpayers would be deliberately funding the destruction of human life.
The man has ZERO intelligence if he does not comprehend the incredible, dumbfounding hypocrisy of that statement.

ATTENTION, GEORGE W BUSH: Taxpayers ARE deliberately funding the destruction of human life on DAILY BASIS in IRAQ! Your hypocrisy disgusts me, as it should disgust any human being with at least an ounce of gray matter! You are the worst president ever, and even if you had not broken the law with your warrant-less wiretapping, unconstitutional signing statements, and violations of the Hatch Act, you should still be impeached for your horrific job performance! If you want to value incinerator-bound embryos more than the lives of American troops in your personal life, that's fine, but don't force the rest of us to endure the consequences of your primitive, illogical, and hypocritical ideology!

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