Friday, September 07, 2007

Net Neutrality = Free Speech

The politicized and discredited Department of Justice has come out against Net Neutraility. They might as well come out against the 1st Amendment also:

Justice Dept. Opposes Network Neutrality
Associated Press
Friday, September 7, 2007; Page D02

The Justice Department said yesterday that Internet service providers should be allowed to charge extra for priority Web traffic.

The agency told the Federal Communications Commission, which is reviewing high-speed Internet practices, that it is opposed to network neutrality, the principle that all Internet sites should be equally accessible to any Web user.

[...]The public-advocacy group Public Knowledge criticized the Justice Department filing. "It is at odds with reality for a Justice Department that approved the largest telecommunications merger in history . . . to now claim that market forces and antitrust enforcement will be able to protect the free and open Internet," the group's president and co-founder Gigi Sohn said in a written statement.

"Perhaps the Department has forgotten that many consumers have little or no choice at all for their high-speed broadband services."

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