Wednesday, September 27, 2006

NY Post Jokes About Olbermann Death Threat

Crooks and Liars reports on a NY Post article that makes fun of an incident in which Keith Olbermann received a letter filled with powder. Obviously, the intent of the person who mailed the letter was to make the recipient believe the powder could be anthrax. It wasn't anthrax in this case, but it was still a federal crime and a death threat, which the shameless NY Post thinks is hilarious.

Here's an E-mail I sent to the NY Post and the author of the "article":
To Paula Froelich:

Is this what you consider to be journalism?:
Powder Puff Spooks Keith (Page Six)

Honestly, do you consider all federal crimes to be fodder for your disgusting and distasteful sense of humor, or just the ones that don't affect you, your loved ones, or those who agree with Murdoch's politics?

It's good to know how the NY Post treats serious matters regarding threats on someone's life. I wish I could say I was surprised that a "news" medium owned by Murdoch could spread such callous tripe, but I'm not.

-Bryan Arnold
You can write your own letter if you desire, but if you do, please be civil. They obviously need to be shown what civility looks like:

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