The right wing is sure to seize on Air America’s financial woes as a sign that progressive talk radio is unpopular. In fact, Air America succeeded at creating something that didn’t exist: the progressive talk radio format. That format is now established and strong and will continue with or without Air America. Indeed, many of the country’s most successful and widely-syndicated progressive talk hosts — Ed Schultz and Stephanie Miller, for instance — aren’t even associated with Air America.I am so grateful to have a company like Air America Radio in existence. It started a movement for progressive and liberal voices to break into a medium dominated by right-wing talk shows. It came into existence during a time when it was needed most, during an election year when our government was under total control by conservative and religious extremists. It did not reverse the power in government that year, but it helped to get the message out that we needed to stop our decent into extremism and chaos. Since then, the movement has grown, but not without its problems.
Air America Radio had a rough start, and now things are apparently still rough. They probably tried to be too big too quickly.
I have tried to promote Air America Radio amongst my friends, but I do not know if I have had much success. So here I am again, doing what little I can to spread the word.
Listen to AAR. Support their sponsors. Keep progressive radio on the air.
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