Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Escalation Is Wrong

I wanted to write a poignant piece on why Bush's plan to escalate his illegal war in Iraq is wrong. It seems to me that why escalating an ILLEGAL war is wrong should be self-evident, but it is apparently not self-evident to the idiot who started the illegal war in the first place. (Honestly, how has this guy not been impeached by his own party is beyond me.)

In any case, I found, on, a piece by Chris Bowers that I feel represents my feelings on this escalation. So rather than write my own piece, I am going to link to his.

Escalation As The New Social Security
Simply put, stopping escalation is why Democrats were elected to Congress. If we fail to stop it, the same voters who brought us into office will begin to lose faith in us. This fight is just as important as the Social Security fight was two years ago, and our success in that fight was the start of the Republican downfall over the past two years. The same thing can happen this time, but we have to draw a hard line in the sand on escalation in order to make that happen. This means we have to identify and push all wavering members of Congress into the anti-escalation camp. This means that we must publicly and privately threaten any Democrat who votes in favor of privatizing Social Security with all of the following: stripping of important committee assignments, a complete funding cut-off, and a well-funded primary challenge. It means that if Bush ignores legislation Congress passes preventing escalation and follows through with it anyway, as Tony Snow today threatened, then we have to be willing to take any and all punitive measures against Bush, including keeping impeachment on the table.

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