(And while we are talking about Afghanistan, does anyone remember Osama bin Laden, the guy behind 9/11? If only we had enough troops to find him, that would be something. Bush is focused on Iraq and has forgotten about bin Laden. If he had any integrity at all, it would have been the other way around for the last five years.)
Operation Groundhog Day
You probably saw this at the beginning of the week, but just in case you didn't:Commanders seek more forces in Afghanistan
Taliban prepare offensive against US, NATO troops
[...] President Bush is expected to announce this week the dispatch of thousands of additional troops to Iraq as a stopgap measure. Such an order, Pentagon officials say, would strain the Army and Marine Corps as they man both wars.
A US Army battalion fighting in a critical area of eastern Afghanistan is due to be withdrawn within weeks to deploy to Iraq.
Army Brigadier General Anthony J. Tata and other US commanders say that will happen as the Taliban is expected to unleash a campaign to cut the vital road between Kabul and Kandahar.
Mind you, this is from this week, in 2007, not from 2003 or 2004. Right now, troops are being drawn from the actual "war on terror" in Afghanistan to instead go fight in Iraq. Again.
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