Wednesday, January 17, 2007

AP: Iran Gets Army Gear in Pentagon Sale

After all the trouble we are going through to show Iran that we are still in charge and all the threats the Bush administration is making towards Iran, I read this:

AP: Iran Gets Army Gear in Pentagon Sale
WASHINGTON (AP) - Fighter jet parts and other sensitive U.S. military gear seized from front companies for Iran and brokers for China have been traced in criminal cases to a surprising source: the Pentagon.

In one case, federal investigators said, contraband purchased in Defense Department surplus auctions was delivered to Iran, a country President Bush has branded part of an ``axis of evil.''

In that instance, a Pakistani arms broker convicted of exporting U.S. missile parts to Iran resumed business after his release from prison. He purchased Chinook helicopter engine parts for Iran from a U.S. company that had bought them in a Pentagon surplus sale. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents say those parts did make it to Iran.

Well, we also sold WMDs to Iraq, which Saddam Hussein used against his own people.

Then Bush lied about Hussein having more WMDs, so we invaded Iraq.

So when Hussein was our ally we sold him WMDs. And when he used WMDs, he was still our ally. But when he did not have WMDs and he was not using WMDs, he was our enemy. So Bush lied about him having WMDs so that we would agree to attack him because he was our enemy.

Man, this foreign policy thing is confusing.

So now Iran is our enemy and and we are selling them our military gear. And what was that whole Iran-Contra thing about?

Seriously, we need to get our act together.

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