Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cheney's State Of Denial

Dick Cheney was interviewed by Wolf Blitzer on CNN yesterday.

Cheney dismisses Iraq criticism as "hogwash"
Cheney was asked about the Democratic response to Bush's State of the Union speech, in which Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia declared: "The president took us into this war recklessly. ... We are now, as a nation, held hostage to the predictable -- and predicted -- disarray that has followed."

Cheney, also questioned about the impression of a credibility problem over Iraq, replied: "I simply don't accept the premise of your question. I just think it's hogwash."

Well, I guess that settles it. Any criticism of the war in Iraq is "hogwash." I guess we all better just pack it up an go home. We shouldn't bother writing blogs or columns. All critics of the war who are in Congress, both Democrats and Republicans, should just resign, right? Why don't we just set up Bush as a dictator since pointing out how badly he and his administration have managed the war in Iraq is just going to be dismissed as "hogwash"?

Cheney's condescension is outright insulting. He is living in a permanent state of denial, so this attitude is not surprising, but if he cannot deal with the mistakes that he and Bush have made in an serious and honest manner, then there is no point in interviewing him. He just lies and denies.

"Now, the critics have not suggested a policy ... All they want to do, all they've recommended, is to redeploy or to withdraw our forces," he said.

Here is another blantant lie, that Blitzer let slip by. The ISG suggested many ideas for dealing with Iraq, and Bush and Cheney ignored all of their recommendations. I think it was Sen. Biden who suggested a plan for dividing Iraq into a three-part federation. There have been many suggestions, and, in the media, Bush's hired liars repeatedly claim that the critics have not "suggested a policy" or that they should come up with a plan of their own if they do not like Bush's "new" strategy. Time and time again, these plans our brought up, and Bush and his minions ignore them and then lie by saying they do not exist. It is maddening.

Cheney also offered this gem:

Cheney was put on the defensive from the start of the interview when he was asked about the U.S. military's failure to take out Osama bin Laden: "Why can't you find this guy?"

Cheney said, "Well, obviously, he's well hidden."


Seriously, the biggest failure of the Bush Administration has been their inablility to capture that mass murderer, and that they are so nonchalant about it adds so much insult to injury. There is NO excuse for failing to capture Osama bin Laden! It has been FIVE AND A HALF YEARS, and the best Cheney has to offer is "he's well hidden." Everday with Bush and Cheney in office has been like an episode of The Twilight Zone.

They have no excuse for not capturing bin Laden, and Bush promised we would get him "dead or alive." If Bush had not been so busy becoming a war criminal and making the entire world hate us with his idiotic, unethical, illegal, unnecessary war in Iraq, we probably would have caught bin Laden long before now.

"Well hidden"?! Unbelievable! Absolutely, unbelievable. What do they expect bin Laden to do? Have a bunch of signs pointing to his secret hideout like in some Bugs Bunny cartoon?

Ugh, they make me so angry with this stupidity! It makes me think that they do not really want to capture bin Laden because they do not want to lose the only thing that keeps them in power: bin Laden being free. If bin Laden was imprisoned or executed, then there would be nothing left for Bush and Cheney to use to scare Americans into obedience. Then there would be nothing to hold back the floodgates that are starting to break regardless. The subpoenas and indictments are coming, and soon Bush and Cheney won't even be able to hide behind bin Laden anymore.

Well, I always feel better after a nice rant, but before I finish this post, I want to mention one other thing that happened in the interview:

Cheney treated like others, angry about it
The vice president got a bit testy with Wolf Blitzer on CNN when the journalist asked him a question about his daughter, her partner, and their upcoming addition to the family:
In a wide-ranging interview, where he was unusually testy in several instances, Cheney got steamed when CNN's Wolf Blitzer read him a comment from Focus on the Family, a social-conservative group that believes it's not best for a child to be raised by single-sex parents, like Mary Cheney and her partner of 15 years, Heather Poe.

"I'm delighted I'm about to have a sixth grandchild, Wolf, and obviously think the world of both of my daughters and all of my grandchildren. And I think, frankly, you're out of line with that question," Cheney fumed.

Before Blitzer could explain his question, Cheney interrupted the anchor of the "Situation Room" and again snapped, "I think you're out of line with that question."

Blitzer then spoke kindly of Mary Cheney and insisted his question wasn't personal, just business. "Believe me, I'm very, very sympathetic to Liz and to Mary. I like them both. That was just a question that's come up and it's a responsible, fair question," Blitzer said.

Cheney acts insulted and attacked when someone mentions his daughter Mary, but really he is just a coward and a hypocrite.

He is a hypocrite because he is willing to attack thousands of family members by starting an illegal war in Iraq. He is willing to sacrifice American and Iraqi lives as long as he and his own family are in no danger. (He even "supported" the Viet Nam war, but he got a bunch of deferments so that he would not have to fight for the war he believed in.) He is also a hypocrite because he is willing to actually attack other people's family members, like when he attacked Joe Wilson's wife by revealing her as a covert CIA agent which put her, her contacts, and our country in danger, but if someone mentions his own daughter, Cheney pretends he is under attack and claims the "attacker" is "out of line."

Joe Wilson continues to defend his wife from the White House (an incredibly powerful entity), but Cheney is not willing to stand up for his daughter against the bigotry of the callous and comparatively weak organization Focus on the Family.

I have claimed many times that Bush is the worst president ever, and now I am claiming that Cheney is easily the worst vice president ever.

Update:BarbinMD at DailyKos has more on Cheney's state of denial:

Dick Cheney On Iraq

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